Building the Infrastructure for Longevity Medicine: ARPA-H's PROSPR Program (Dr. Andrew Brack, Program Manager)

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Building the Infrastructure for Longevity Medicine: ARPA-H's PROSPR Program (Dr. Andrew Brack, Program Manager)

Episode shownotes

Dr. Andrew Brack, Program Manager at the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), discusses PROSPR (Proactive Solutions for Prolonging Resilience), an ambitious new program aimed at extending human healthspan. In this wide-ranging conversation, Chris and Andrew explore how PROSPR plans to accelerate the development of therapies that target aging itself by building the regulatory and scientific infrastructure needed to measure and improve health during aging. They discuss PROSPR's innovative approaches to in-home data collection, biomarker development, and clinical trial design that could compress decades-long studies into just three years.

The Finer Details:

  • The mission and structure of ARPA-H as a catalyst for healthcare innovation
  • How PROSPR aims to build "train tracks" for the longevity therapeutics industry
  • The program's novel approach to measuring health through intrinsic capacity
  • Strategies for compressing clinical trials from decades to years
  • The economic impact of extending healthspan by just one year
  • Plans for first- and second-generation therapeutics targeting aging
  • The role of in-home health monitoring in future clinical trials


"We have this moral imperative to close the gap between the length that we are living and the number of years that we're living in good health."


PROSPR website

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